Base for starting an Angular project that uses email/password for user authentication.
Hi, I'm David Wilhelm, a web developer currently based in Detroit. Below are some select projects from my GitHub.
angular-firebase-auth-template (2020)
rc-shared-radio-groups (2020)
Select a unique value across multiple sets that share the same set of values.
group-add-form (2019)
Prototype for adding multiple people in a form.
hbs-sass-boilerplate (2018)
Boilerplate for quick prototyping with Handlebars, jQuery, and Sass.
git-standings (2017)
Gather and display commit count by contributors across any number of git projects.
watson-discovery-csv-uploader (2017)
Upload files to a watson discovery collection, including csv files.
working-with-arrays (2016)
Notes on different aspects of working with arrays in javascript.
ncaa-picks-by-team-color (2016)
Pick your 2016 NCAA March Madness bracket based solely on team colors.
bruticus (2016)
Static site for electronic music artist Bruticus.
you-might-need (2016)
Predictive shopping app. Whenever you buy something, enter it’s name and the date of purchase. After adding at least 2 points of purchase for the same item, YMN will start to generate a shopping list to remind you when you might need to purchase something again.
storefronts-backend (2015)
Code responsible for API, adding/editing database entries, and user login for Storefronts project. Currently hosted on Heroku, API endpoints are public (though not CORS enabled) but most functionality is walled behind an admin login.
quick-lang-quiz (2015)
Quiz for translating phrases from English into Spanish. Emphasis on vocabulary over sentence logic.
ArtInstallr (2015)
The current version of this project is unfinished.
Currently under re-development. Will assist in calculating measurements for hanging artwork on a wall.
capitals-quiz (2014)
JavaScript powered game for matching the correct capital with the given state/country. Reference data (answer keys) is store in JSON format for simplicity as opposed to a dedicated database.
oh-hell-scoresheet (2013)
Web app for tracking player scoring for the card game Oh Hell!